Risk AI will become agenda driven to the men running the world!

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Risk AI will become agenda driven to the men running the world

Risk AI will become agenda driven to the men running the world!


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making significant strides in recent years, with advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. As AI continues to evolve, there is a growing concern that it may become agenda-driven, serving the interests of a select few who hold power and influence in the world. This article will explore the potential risks of AI becoming agenda-driven, the implications for society, and the need for ethical considerations in AI development.

The Power of AI

AI has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, from healthcare and education to transportation and communication. However, with great power comes great responsibility. As AI becomes more advanced and integrated into our daily lives, there is a risk that it could be used to further the interests of a select few, rather than benefiting society as a whole.

  • Surveillance and privacy: AI-powered surveillance systems can be used to monitor citizens, potentially leading to a loss of privacy and civil liberties. For example, China’s social credit system uses AI to track citizens’ behavior and assign them a score based on their actions. This system has been criticized for its potential to be used as a tool for social control by the Chinese government.
  • Manipulation of information: AI can be used to create deepfakes, which are realistic but fake videos or images that can be used to spread misinformation or manipulate public opinion. This technology has the potential to be weaponized by those in power to control narratives and sway public opinion in their favor.
  • Automated decision-making: AI algorithms are increasingly being used to make important decisions, such as hiring, lending, and medical diagnoses. If these algorithms are biased or influenced by the agendas of those in power, they could perpetuate existing inequalities and further marginalize vulnerable populations.
Risk AI will become agenda driven to the men running the world

Case Studies: AI in the Hands of the Powerful

There have already been instances where AI has been used to further the interests of those in power:

  • Cambridge Analytica: In 2018, it was revealed that data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica had used AI algorithms to analyze the personal data of millions of Facebook users without their consent. This information was then used to create targeted political ads, potentially influencing the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election and the Brexit referendum.
  • Project Maven: In 2018, Google faced backlash from its employees for its involvement in Project Maven, a US Department of Defense initiative that aimed to use AI to analyze drone footage for military purposes. Critics argued that Google’s involvement in the project raised ethical concerns about the use of AI in warfare and surveillance.

Addressing the Risks: Ethical AI Development

To mitigate the risks of AI becoming agenda-driven, it is crucial to prioritize ethical considerations in AI development. Some steps that can be taken include:

  • Transparency: AI developers should be transparent about the data and algorithms used in their systems, allowing for public scrutiny and accountability.
  • Diversity: Ensuring diversity in AI development teams can help to minimize biases and ensure that AI systems are designed to benefit a wide range of users, rather than just a select few.
  • Regulation: Governments and regulatory bodies should establish guidelines and standards for AI development, ensuring that ethical considerations are taken into account and that AI systems are designed to serve the public interest.
  • Education: Raising awareness about the potential risks of AI and promoting ethical AI development through education and training can help to ensure that future AI systems are designed with the best interests of society in mind.


As AI continues to advance and become more integrated into our daily lives, there is a growing risk that it could be used to further the interests of a select few who hold power and influence in the world. By prioritizing ethical considerations in AI development and taking steps to ensure transparency, diversity, regulation, and education, we can help to mitigate these risks and ensure that AI serves the greater good of society, rather than just the agendas of the men running the world.