Windows Wizardry: 20 Command Prompt Essentials You Can’t Live Without

Windows Wizardry: 20 Command Prompt Essentials You Can't Live Without
Windows Wizardry: 20 Command Prompt Essentials You Can't Live Without

Windows Wizardry: 20 Command Prompt Essentials You Can’t Live Without

Windows Command Prompt is a powerful tool that can help you perform various tasks, troubleshoot issues, and enhance your cyber security. In this article, we will explore 20 essential Command Prompt tips that every Windows user should know. These tips will not only make your life easier but also help you become a Windows wizard.

1. Open Command Prompt Quickly

Press the Windows key + R, type “cmd” in the Run dialog box, and hit Enter to open Command Prompt instantly.

2. Run Command Prompt as Administrator

Right-click on the Command Prompt icon and select “Run as administrator” to execute commands with administrative privileges.

3. Copy and Paste in Command Prompt

Right-click on the Command Prompt window, select “Mark,” highlight the text you want to copy, and press Enter. To paste, right-click on the Command Prompt window and select “Paste.”

Windows Wizardry: 20 Command Prompt Essentials You Can't Live Without

4. Customize Command Prompt Appearance

Right-click on the Command Prompt title bar, select “Properties,” and customize the font, color, and layout according to your preferences.

5. View Command History

Type “doskey /history” in Command Prompt to view a list of previously executed commands.

6. Execute Multiple Commands Simultaneously

Separate multiple commands with the “&” symbol to execute them in a single line. For example, “ipconfig & systeminfo” will display your IP configuration and system information.

7. Create a Wi-Fi Hotspot

Type “netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=YourHotspotName key=YourPassword” to create a Wi-Fi hotspot. Replace “YourHotspotName” and “YourPassword” with your desired hotspot name and password.

8. Check Internet Connectivity

Type “ping” to check if your computer is connected to the internet. If you receive a reply, your internet connection is working.

9. Find Your IP Address

Type “ipconfig” to view your computer’s IP address and other network information.

10. Trace Network Path

Type “tracert” to trace the network path between your computer and a specific domain. Replace “” with the desired domain name.

11. Check System Uptime

Type “systeminfo” to view your computer’s uptime and other system information.

12. Scan and Repair System Files

Type “sfc /scannow” to scan and repair corrupted system files.

13. Create a System Restore Point

Type “wmic.exe /Namespace:rootdefault Path SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint “My Restore Point”, 100, 7″ to create a system restore point.

14. Encrypt Files and Folders

Type “cipher /E /A /S:directory” to encrypt files and folders. Replace “directory” with the desired directory path.

15. Decrypt Files and Folders

Type “cipher /D /A /S:directory” to decrypt encrypted files and folders. Replace “directory” with the desired directory path.

16. Delete Files Permanently

Type “cipher /W:directory” to permanently delete files and folders. Replace “directory” with the desired directory path.

17. Check Disk for Errors

Type “chkdsk /f” to check your disk for errors and fix them automatically.

18. Defragment Your Disk

Type “defrag /C /H /U” to defragment your disk and optimize its performance.

19. Display a List of Installed Drivers

Type “driverquery” to display a list of installed drivers on your computer.

20. Shut Down or Restart Your Computer

Type “shutdown /s /t 0” to shut down your computer immediately. Replace “/s” with “/r” to restart your computer.


These 20 Command Prompt essentials will help you become a Windows wizard and enhance your cyber security. By mastering these tips, you can troubleshoot issues, optimize your computer’s performance, and perform various tasks with ease. So, start exploring the power of Command Prompt and unlock its full potential!